Belinda Louise Williams and James W. Speight Jr., both of Deep Run, were united in marriage at 4 p.m. June 29, 2013, at Middlesex Free Will Baptist Children’s Home in Middlesex. The Rev. Linda Grinder was the officiating minister.
Escorted and given in marriage by her son, Lynwood Jones, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Earl Williams of Deep Run.
She is the granddaughter of Plato and Annie Kinsey of Deep Run.
She owns her own cleaning service.
The groom is the son of Barbara Davis of Sims. He is the grandson of Ethel Ruth Thorne, also of Sims.
He is a truck driver with FedEx.
Following a wedding trip to Gatlinburg, Tenn., the couple resides in Deep Run.
Beth Kirby of Kinston served as matron of honor.
The bride’s daughter-in-law, Maria Jones of Newport, was maid of honor.
Ellie Jones was the flower girl.
Robert Kirby of Kinston was best man.
Usher was Mark Speight. Alex Jones was the ring bearer.
Wedding music was provided by Linda Grinder, and flowers were done by Linda Stroud and Irene Smith.
The wedding was directed by Page Marshburn.